Standard EN13157 A1 defines the essential criteria required to ensure your safety and validate the use of the EC mark on winches (within the framework of a European use).
Warning! The misuse of the EC mark can be linked to a self-certification by the importer or manufacturer, with no link to the standard. In this case, products can be dangerous. Be careful.
A winch which is not compliant with all the provisions of the standard EN13157 A1 is not EC marked. Consequently, the lifting device using it is not compliant with the provisions of the Directive on the safety of machinery, for which you are liable.
Please find below some essential criteria required for a winch to qualify for the EC mark. Of course, this qualification is not limited to these few elements. Our goal here is to facilitate the visual identification of the standard key points:
Safety self-braking system
Pulling (towing)

Standard EN13157 A1 defines lifting as a change in height while moving. It can include vertical or vertical and horizontal movements of the load as well as any combinations arising from them.

The self-braking system is compulsory for any lifting application.
As a reminder, standard EN13157 A1 defines lifting as a change in height while moving. It can include vertical or vertical and horizontal movements of the load as well as any combinations arising from them.
It should not be removable or demountable without tools, if the self-braking system is partially or fully deactivated, when it is not in position.
Except if the winch has a self-braking automatic activation system ensuring the safety of users.
Protective cover

Internal and external pinions as well as the system protuding components (for example those of the drum) must be protected.
The diameter of the drum hub varies according to the cable and measures, depending on the case, between 35 mm and 72 mm (for manual winches, up to 1,000 kg).
Otherwise, the cable fiber can be damaged and can cause it to break. In addition, the drum hub must resist crushing.
Cable or strap securing
The cable or strap anchor on the winch must be standardised and resist 3 times the rated load.
Staps and cables

They must be compliant with the European standards in force. Be careful with straps that are too fragile! They must resist at least 7 times the rated load. When damaged, their breaking will sometimes have dramatic consequences.