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For a launch without immersion (safety and longevity of the brakes) and an easy descent of the boat even on a slight slope, the boat must be positioned as far forward as possible on the trailer so that all the rollers, especially the bogie rollers, are in uniform contact with the widest part of the hull and that the latter is perfectly horizontal.

For example, moving back the stand by a metre towards the back of the trailer, when it is too big for the boat will limit the contact of the central bogie with the hull and/or will not make it possible to best adjust the side or keel rollers.

For perfect road holding and securing of the boat, its centre of gravity must be perfectly centred:

  • The part of the transom resting on the rollers must be positioned downstream the last roller between and
  • The winch support stand must be placed between and the small front joiner cross-member, and must be of suitable height.




The road holding and stability of the car + trailer set depend, among other things, on the perfect balance of the boat weight on the trailer running gear. This is why the axle position must be adjusted according to each boat. This mandatory service is performed by a professional or the trailer distributor, and cannot be further charged. Our trailers are designed to closely fit the boat length. The axle position is then naturally the best, however the intervention of a professional, even if it is simplified, is still required to finalise adjustment according to the boat.

Une remorque bien réglée exerce un juste effort sur l'attelage du véhicule et favorise tenue de route et qualité du freinage.




Each boat has a specific construction. The hull, wetted area and engine vary from one boat to another, and have an impact on the launching quality. An easy launching obviously depends on the roller system, but also, for each boat, on several factors such as the centred position of the boat, the winch and winching line, the fact that the boat remains horizontal during the operation (if possible without immersion) and, finally, the position of the rollers according to the hull strakes.


Our trailers perfectly fit the boat for an optimum launching:

  • Multiple lengths per each GVW = trailer suitable for the boat (centred).
  • Variable winch stand heights = perfect puling line.
  • Tilting rear bogie system = helps to keep the boat horizontal (low nose lift when exiting water).
  • Roller supports in high strength pressed steel = supports the weight of the boat without incident over time.

A final adjustment of the position of some rollers in relation to the hull is still necessary and will be performed by an authorised professional.




Each boater is responsible for their vehicle, but also for the safety of other users on the road and on the slipway, under the road safety provisions.

They must ensure the regular maintenance of the brakes, wheels and indicating lights of their trailer, as well as the compliance of safety devices. Thanks to their design and equipment, our trailers help to ensure your safety both on the road and the slipway, in order to allow you to fully enjoy your leisure activities.



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